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An Afternoon with Eskor David Johnson

The Writers Centre, home of the NGC Bocas Lit Fest, opens its doors in 2024 with an event featuring author Eskor David Johnson. On Saturday 6 January, at 3.30 pm, Johnson will read from his debut novel Pay As You Go, published in October 2023. Johnson, born and raised in Trinidad, currently resides in New

Cheers to the Festive Season!

At the end of a busy 2023, full of words, stories, and ideas, all of us at the Bocas Lit Fest send our most joyous greetings and hopes for a wonderful year ahead. We look forward to welcoming you to the 2024 NGC Bocas Lit Fest, running from 25 to 28 April, plus all our other events

Anansi and the Fire Ants Wins Bocas Children’s Book Prize

The 2023 Bocas Children’s Book Prize winner is Garnet Lawrence’s Anansi and the Fire Ants. The announcement was made on Sunday 10 December, 2023. Lawrence, a T&T playwright, poet, and screenwriter based in Barbados, will receive a US$1,000 cash prize courtesy the Wainwright Family, along with the coveted title.

Celebrating T&T authors

The popular annual series of Tea and Readings came to a celebratory Christmas close on Saturday 2nd December with readings by six Trinidadian writers. From memoir to poetry and prizewinning fiction, Paper Based, the Caribbean specialty bookseller, offered something for almost every book-lover and seasonal gift giver.   The 2020 Costa Book of the Year Award

Bocas Children’s Book Prize Shortlist Announced

Three Caribbean books for young readers have been shortlisted for the 2023 Bocas Children’s Book Prize. The shortlistees were announced on Sunday 19 November, 2023. The US$1,000 prize, sponsored by the Wainwright Family, is dedicated to recognising noteworthy books by Caribbean authors for readers aged 7 to 12, and celebrating outstanding English-language children’s literature.

Images Meet Words: How To Put Together a Visual Book, with Melanie Archer

Including photos and images in your book can inspire curiosity and engagement. Our next Writers First seminar, Images Meet Words, is ideal for writers, photographers, memoirists, and journalists who, under the tutelage of designer Melanie Archer, will learn about the best ways to balance images and words on the page.

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