Here in the Caribbean, like everywhere else in the world, we’re living through a time of extraordinary change — social and cultural, technological and environmental. Two years of the COVID-19 pandemic have forced us to change the way we work and play, even our simplest daily routines. Meanwhile the threat of global climate change is looming, and recent events have compelled us to confront social inequalities in dire need of change. To survive, we need to adapt.
Our writers have risen to these many challenges, with a host of recent books that investigate ideas about change in every sphere and field — whether personal or collective, political or cultural. Through genres as diverse as fiction, poetry, and life-writing, contemporary Caribbean writers are courageously exploring the changes we are all living through, and the changes we need in order to create a more just society.
At our twelfth annual festival, we’re following their lead, with a special programme of four consecutive evenings, each with its own thematic focus, adding up to a bigger story of how ideas, stories, and words can change the world for the better, by focusing on some of the most vital books and authors of the past year.