Excerpt from The Feud

In Golden Oaks high, an incident occurred between two students named Oliver Mane and Mckayla Brown. Both are 16 years of age; they attend almost every class together and they both have a dislike towards each other. Mckayla grew up in the Caribbean but moved to California, she is known for having beautiful full curly hair and is popular in her grade. Oliver grew up in California and is the opposite in popularity. He had a small loyal friend group. But that all changed a few months ago, when Oliver had bumped into Mckayla in the cafeteria and accidentally spilled an entire plate of spaghetti and meatballs on her. She was embarrassed and didn’t take that as an accident in her eyes. Her desire was to get revenge on him, although he was genuinely sorry about it.

This caused a feud between them which was a consistent every other day activity, insults would be thrown recklessly at each other when passing in the hallways. Punishments were never given because of their secrecy in engaging in these rebellious activities.

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