Stand With Me

I thought I only would have read about this in my history books
I really thought that the past liberators buried all of the crooks

I thought this time was past and ancient

Yet I see on the news, that this disease is alive and blatant

Battles have been won, but the war has only just begun

I see my brothers and sisters band together

To stop this stormy, white grey weather of

Oppression, depression and their succession

Into the minds of their hosts, that hold such powerful posts of


I can’t breathe

I can’t breathe

I can’t breathe

Yet, the knee remained

and now his cries echo out forever in our hearts

An unarmed black man

For this we must take a stand


For this is an injustice-festered land

Countless others have fallen from this systemic maniac of a


Tell me

How am I supposed to live out my life in this country

As a person of colour?

The land of the free they say


It is printed in their self-righteous decree

But, I am not deemed as free

Unless I surrender myself to their unjust cruelty

I cannot bend my knee for my people

I will be shot for my right evil



Death and destruction of an entire nation over 200 years ago

My heart grieves for the ancients that used to live in the Congo

West Coast, Gold Coast

The Motherland

We will revolt

We will take a stand

We are going to fight

For this thing that is right

In the land of the free

That thing which is called freedom

And which every man, woman and child

Has an undisputed right

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