Dear friends of the NGC Bocas Lit Fest,
It’s exactly three months today until the start of the 2013 festival, which runs from 25 to 28 April. Our team has been hard at work on this year’s programme, and as we begin to count down to those four exciting days at the end of April, we want to make sure all our friends and festival regulars have the dates marked in their calendars. This is your reminder!
In the coming weeks we’ll be sharing more information about our 2013 festival at the NCG Bocas Lit Fest website, so keep an eye on that for updates. This year’s festival, as always, will feature dozens of remarkable writers from Trinidad and Tobago, the Caribbean, and further afield — sharing their words, ideas, and stories through readings, discussions, workshops, and performances.
The programme also includes the announcement of the winners of the 2013 OCM Bocas Prize for Caribbean Literature and the new Hollick Arvon Caribbean Writers Prize; our New Talent Showcase, featuring up-and-coming writers to watch; a full schedule of events for children; plus open mic sessions, film screenings, music, a chance to meet writers at book signings — and the Caribbean leg of the Edinburgh World Writers’ Conference. (Curious about the EWWC? Stay tuned for a comprehensive post on this exciting initiative, and how the Bocas Lit Fest ties in.)
We’ll be parking our festival headquarters at the usual haunt: the National Library and Old Fire Station in downtown Port-of-Spain. There will also be events in other locations throughout the country, in the festival leadup.
So remember the dates: Thursday 25 to Sunday 28 April. And don’t be shy: forward this to your friends!
See you in April.
The NGC Bocas Lit Fest team