Six writers make shortlist for 2013 Hollick Arvon Prize

Writers from the Bahamas, Bermuda, and Trinidad and Tobago have been named on the shortlist for the 2013 Hollick Arvon Caribbean Writers Prize, announced today.

The six shortlisted writers are:

Lisa Allen-Agostini (Trinidad and Tobago)
Angela Barry (Bermuda)
Vashti Bowlah (Trinidad and Tobago)
Barbara Jenkins (Trinidad and Tobago)
Sharon Millar (Trinidad and Tobago)
Lelawatee Manoo-Rahming (Bahamas/Trinidad and Tobago)

The Prize, worth a total of US$15,000, will give the winning Caribbean-based writer time to advance a work in progress. It includes a year’s mentoring by an established author and travel to the United Kingdom to attend a one-week intensive Arvon Foundation creative writing course of their choice.

The winning writer will also have three days in London to network with literary professionals, hosted by the UK’s leading creative writing organisation, Arvon, in association with Free Word Centre and agents Rogers, Coleridge & White, and receive a cash award of 3,000GBP or US $4,500.

A total of 65 writers from 13 Caribbean countries submitted entries for the Prize. A longlist of fourteen was announced in March, and the winner will be announced at the 2013 NGC Bocas Lit Fest, which runs from 25 to 28 April in Port of Spain.

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