Significant Changes to Burt Award for Caribbean Literature Guidelines

Your Book or Manuscript May Now be Eligible!

As a result of some concerns raised by publishers and authors, CODE has made some significant changes to the guidelines of the Burt Award for Caribbean Literature that will allow more publishers and authors to submit works.

 The revisions to the guidelines include the following:

  1. In addition to published books and unpublished manuscripts, previously self-published books by Caribbean authors are now eligible for the Award.
  2. Eligible manuscripts can now be submitted by publishers registered and operating in the Caribbean OR submitted by authors directly. Please note that authors of winning manuscripts or self-published titles must agree to publish/ re-publish the work with a Caribbean publisher within 6 months of the Award announcement as only publishers registered and operating in the Caribbean are eligible to benefit from this Award.
  3. Books published between 1 October 2009 and 24 October 2013 are now eligible.
  4. The deadline to submit a book or manuscript is now 25 October 2013.

To consult the full revised guidelines and access the entry forms, please visit the Burt Award for Caribbean Literature page.

CODE hopes that these revisions will allow more great works of Young Adult literature by Caribbean authors to be submitted to the Award so that more young people in the Caribbean will gain access to books they will love to read.

Should you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Bocas Lit Fest at [email protected] or Catherine Belshaw, Literary Awards Officer at CODE, at [email protected] or 1-800-661-2633 ext. 233.


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