Free workshops for writers of Children’s & Young Adult Fiction!

Free Workshops for Writers of Fiction for Children and Young Adults in Jamaica, Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago

The first in a series of annual free workshops for writers of fiction for children and young adult will be held in several locations across the Caribbean this spring as part of CODE’s Burt Award for Caribbean Literature program.

CODE – a Canadian NGO which has been advancing literacy and learning around the world for 55 years – will run the workshops in collaboration with its local partners, Bocas Lit Fest and CaribLit.

The first two workshops will take place in Kingston, Jamaica (as part of the Kingston Book Festival) and in Georgetown, Guyana in March 2014. The workshops will be delivered by three talented authors of fiction for children and young adults: Canada’s Richard Scrimger, Jamaica’s Diane Browne and Guyana’s Paloma Mohamed.

A third workshop is also being planned as part of the NGC Bocas Lit Fest in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago (dates and venue TBD).

Offered as part of the Burt Award for Caribbean Literature, which aims to provide Caribbean youth with access to books they will enjoy and want to read, the workshops are intended to help emerging or established writers of books for children or young adults develop their skills, deepen their understanding of writing strategies appropriate for this age group, and encourage them to submit their work for consideration for the Award.

Detailed information about the workshops and how to register can be found at

Submissions for the inaugural Burt Award for Caribbean Literature closed on October 25, 2013. The shortlist will be announced in March 2014. The first three winners of this unique and innovative literary award will be announced at the NGC Bocas Lit Fest in Trinidad and Tobago on April 25, 2014.

Submissions for the next edition of the Award will be accepted as of June 1, 2014 with a deadline of October 24, 2014.

Writers interested in the Burt Award for Caribbean literature program are encouraged to contact the Awards’ administrators at Bocas Lit Fest [email protected] or CODE [email protected]



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