OCM Bocas Prize Winners in the Alps

Robert Antoni, 2014 winner of the OCM BOCAS Prize for Caribbean Literature; 2012 winner, Earl Lovelace; and Kei Miller, 2014 non-fiction winner, were among a group of eight writers invited to showcase Caribbean writing in the Swiss alpine town of Bellinzona last weekend.

The annual Babel Festival of Literature and Translation put the spotlight on French, Spanish and English writing from the Caribbean and featured some of the best contemporary novelists, including Patrick Chamoiseau of Martinique whose novel Texaco won him France’s most prestigious prize, the Prix Goncourt.

Trinidadian Elizabeth Walcott-Hackshaw, whose debut novel Mrs B was launched at the NGC Bocas Lit Fest in April, was also among the four English-speaking writers who delighted the mainly Swiss audience.

The Babel Festival and the NGC Bocas Lit Fest are collaborators in bringing Caribbean literature to a wider international readership. Translation, language and culture will be one of the themes of the 2015 NGC Bocas Lit Fest, 29 April – 03 May 2015.

Patrick Chamoiseau, Earl Lovelace and Kei Miller at Babel in Switzerland. Photo by Amanda Claire Monnet
Patrick Chamoiseau, Earl Lovelace and Kei Miller at Babel in Switzerland. Photo by Amanda Claire Monnet


Elizabeth Walcott-Hackshaw at Babel Festival, Switzerland
Elizabeth Walcott-Hackshaw at Babel Festival
Kei Miller, Earl Lovelace and Robert Antoni at Babel Festival















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