Britt McHugh is a poet and author of the collaborative book Tales of Root, Silk & Bone, which brings together the voices of 50+ Trinis on our local folklore, incorporating their personal experiences, art, poetry, photography, and short stories. She has a BA in English from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California, and a MA in Classical Archaeology from King’s College London, and she brings together these two passions in her work. McHugh has two other self-published poetry books, but this third and latest book expanded her scope as she explored Trinidad’s history, culture, and folklore. She intends to continue exploring tales of enchantment, mythology, and history in her writing and publishing.
Find McHugh on Instagram @britt.mchugh or some days at Junckollage Gypsy Caravan on Long Circular Road, where she can make you a great cup of coffee.