Celeste Rita Baker

Celeste Rita Baker

US Virgin Islands


Celeste is a Virgin Islander currently flitting between the beach and the grocery store as she tries to be one of the survivors of de ‘Rona pandemic. She chronicled Covid-19 in a rudely opinionated timeline of October 2019 through March 2020 after which she just could not ‘go another further’.  Her book is on Amazon as ‘De Rona Reach. She is also the author of Back, Belly and Side, a short story collection, a mix-up of magical realism, fantasy and mimetic fiction, some in Caribbean Dialect and some in Standard English. Her stories have been included in The Caribbean Writer, Moko Magazine, Strange Horizons, Lightspeed, and other publications.  She is a proud 2019 graduate of Clarion West Science Fiction Writers Workshop. Her website is celesteritabaker.com

Years Attended

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