Chioke Jude Herbert

Chioke Jude Herbert


Chioke Jude Herbert is an artist who encapsulates energy into physical form through oil painting. His paintings are created to translate energies of joy, gratitude, balance, positivity, happiness, cleansing and more into the experiences of the audience. He accomplishes this using spiritual sight, colours, design principles and textures. As simple as his paintings may come across each one is just as intentionally and authentically created as the others. Each one has its own energetic signature. The inspiration for this artform came in his younger years when he realized and experienced the truth in which objects withhold energy.

“Energy is formless, yet it is everywhere, in varying forms.” If you pay close enough attention and you have been gifted with the opportunity to remove your veils, you would be able to perceive reality with much more depth. That which is not physical can now be experienced in the physical by those who are unaware of the metaphysical reality we abide in. Chioke paints and studies his work every day as it his belief that it is the only way to achieve true mastery as an artist.

Even though his style is very contemporary for the works of a born and raised Trinidadian, it is rooted in spiritual, and esoteric understandings. Chioke wishes to heal and inspire the hearts and minds of men and women for generations to come with his works. His main message is that we as artists and creatives must “Consciously Curate the Creative Conversations” moving forward to build our industry rather than focus on history. To understand his works, you must understand Neo-Energia.

Neo – Energia is the process or act of creating a physical embodiment of energy.

 Neo-Energism is the movement of bi-product of neo-energia.

He is a born and raised Trinidadian and has no intention of leaving his country behind in his successes. He explores various media in the art such as drawing, painting, illustration, design, textiles, and sculpture. Previous to 2020, Chioke worked on commissioned pieces under various themes such as mandalas and spirit animals. Between Worlds being his first exhibition, he decided to delve deep between the worlds of simple color and intriguing texture. In his exploration, he finds more than ever, before the elusiveness of reality where perception limits us from thinking, that a painting can be 2d, 3d, 4d, and 5d. However, these series of energetic paintings draw in specific frequencies of calm, depth, healing, introspection, meditation, upliftment, joy, abundance, prosperity, friendliness, revelation, groundedness, imagination, curiosity, strength, determination, balance, peace, bliss, and beauty.

Years Attended

2022 NGC Bocas Youth Fest
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