Elizabeth Walcott-Hackshaw

Elizabeth Walcott-Hackshaw

Trinidad & Tobago


Elizabeth Walcott-Hackshaw is a Professor of French literature and Creative Writing at the University of the West Indies. She has published scholarly articles and essays on Francophone Caribbean Literature and had co-edited several works including Border Crossings: A Trilingual Anthology of Caribbean Women Writers; Methods in Caribbean Research: Literature, Discourse, Culture; Echoes of the Haitian Revolution (1804-2004); and Reinterpreting the Haitian Revolution and its Cultural Aftershocks. She has also published creative works. Her short stories have been widely translated and anthologized most recently in New Daughters of Africa. Four Taxis Facing North her first collection of short stories was considered one of the best books of the year by the Caribbean Review of Books. Mrs B, a novel, was short listed for “Best Book of Fiction” in the Guyana Prize for Literature in 2014. Stick No Bills is her latest book, a collection of short stories published by Peepal Tree Press in 2020.

Years Attended

2016 Adult’s Festival Participant, 2017 Adult’s Festival Participant, 2019 Adult’s Festival Participant, 2019 Carifesta Participant, 2020 Adult’s Festival Participant, 2024 Adult’s Festival Participant
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