Honor Ford-Smith

Honor Ford-Smith

Canada, Jamaica


Honor Ford-Smith is a scholar, theatre worker and poet. She was educated in Jamaica at St Andrew High School and after studying theatre began teaching at the Edna Manley College for the Visual and Performing Arts in Kingston. She became co-founder and artistic director of Sistren (Sisters), a theatre collective of mainly working-class Jamaican women that works in community theatre and popular education. She researched, edited and contributed to Sistren’s book Lionheart Gal: Life Stories of Jamaican Women, first published in 1986. A collection of poems, My Mother’s Last Dance, appeared in 1996. Ford-Smith moved to Toronto, Canada in 1991, receiving her doctorate in education from the University of Toronto in 2004. She continues to write, to work in performance and to teach at York University in Toronto where she is an Associate Professor in the Community Arts Practice programme under the Faculty of Environmental Studies.

Years Attended

2022 Adult’s Festival Participant
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