Jennifer Rahim is a widely published poet, fiction writer and literary critic. She co-edited and introduced two collections of essays, Beyond Borders: Cross-Culturalism and the Caribbean Canon (2009) and Created in the West Indies: Caribbean Perspectives on V.S. Naipaul (2011). Her poetry collection Approaching Sabbaths (2009) was awarded a 2010 Casa de las Américas Prize. Songster and Other Stories (2007) is her well-received collection of short stories. Curfew Chronicles: A Fiction (2017), her second short story collection is winner of the 2018 OCM Bocas Prize fiction category.
Jennifer Rahim
Trinidad & Tobago
2018 OCM Bocas Prize for Caribbean Literature Overall WinnerOCM Bocas Prize for Caribbean Literature
Years Attended
2017 Adult’s Festival Participant, 2018 Adult’s Festival Participant