Lalonde Jay Ochoa, 29, graduate of UWI with a First class Honors in BA Theatre Arts and awarded the Earl Warner prize for “Best Theatre Arts Degree Student” for 2013-2014. Primary experience is in acting and directing and has filled the role of storyteller, playwright and stage manager on various occasions. His most recent works included devised performances as well as work with classical scripts dissected and expressed through traditional forms (festivals, mas and folk). Lalonde is currently employed as a Drama and Theatre Arts Teacher at Cedros Secondary and Part Time Lecturer at the University of the West Indies, former Resident Player with the National Theatre Arts Company of Trinidad and Tobago. He is also well trained in improvisational work, workshop facilitation and educative theatre. His passion for art and culture is undoubted, and he is determined to further the work and investigations carried out by the likes of Errol Hill, Derek Walcott, Rawle Gibbons and many others, which search for the establishment of a national drama/ theatre.