Steffanie Edward was born in St Lucia, but has spent most of her life in England. Anancy, crick-crick and other Caribbean folk stories have been a part of her life since childhood. In her late teens she enjoyed reading Susan Howatch and books on slavery. But her absolute favourite reads to-date have been ‘Wild Seed’ by Octavia E Bulter, and ‘Woman At Point Zero’ by Naawal El Saadawi. Her writing career started with short stories, five of which have been published. Her first attempt at writing a novel was over twenty years ago, whilst living and working in Abu Dhabi. That novel, ‘Yvette’, didn’t make it into print, but the main protagonist, Yvette, has muscled her way into Steffanie’s debut novel, ‘This Other Island’, which is due out on 21st May 2021, published by Bookouture. Steffanie’s second novel, also published by Bookouture, is due out later this year.
Steffanie Edward
St. Lucia, UK
Years Attended
2021 Adult's Festival Participant