Bios & Bookmarks: Xavier Navarro Aquino

Bios & Bookmarks: Xavier Navarro Aquino

A weekly session featuring readings by, and conversations with, popular authors.

In Episode 4 of Bios & Bookmarks Season 7: “A Change is Gonna Come”, Puerto Rican novelist Xavier Navarro Aquino takes us into the post-Hurricane María world of Velorio (HarperCollins), a literary debut that Justin Torres calls “a riveting, harrowing journey through the aftermath, where the natural violence of the storm is compounded by disaster capitalists”. Aquino will be joined by guest host Breanne Mc Ivor.

This season of our signature online live interview series is named for the anthemic 1964 Sam Cooke classic, and focuses on social justice in our region and beyond; how can we work to build a better world?

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