Updated Eligibility Guidelines! 2021 BLF Children’s Book Prize

The Bocas Lit Fest Children’s Book Prize is still open for entries until 30 July 2021, and we have made some small adjustments to our guidelines to allow us to capture a wider range of children’s books from Caribbean writers!

Here are the revised eligibility guidelines for the inaugural Bocas Lit Fest Children’s Book Prize:

Works of fiction (including short story collections and books in verse), literary non-fiction and graphic novels written for children ages 7 -12 are eligible. Works of drama, multiple-author anthologies, picture books, textbooks or instructional manuals are not eligible. 

To be eligible for entry a book must:

  • Be a new, original work written for children between the ages 7 and 12 published for the first time in book form between 1 January 2020 and 30 July 2021. Self-published books are eligible, and there is no requirement for the publisher or author to be based in the Caribbean;
  • Have been written by a single author who either holds Caribbean citizenship or was born in the Caribbean (this must be verified by the publisher), regardless of current place of residence;
  • Have been written by an author who is living on 30 July 2021;
  • Have been written and first published in English (i.e. translations are not eligible);
  • Have an ISBN and be available for purchase in print (not e-book edition only); 
  • Tell the story primarily through prose rather than pictures or illustration. The book can include illustration but should not rely primarily on visual storytelling and should have at least 1,500 words. There is no recommended maximum word count, and longer chapter books for children 12 and under are welcome. 

The winner will be announced in November 2021, and will receive a US$1,000 cash prize. Go to https://bocaslitfest.com/awards/childrens-book-prize/ or contact us at [email protected] for more information!


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