Tanya Batson-Savage

Tanya Batson-Savage

Author, Publisher


Tanya Batson-Savage is a writer, filmmaker, publisher and creative consultant, with a love of mangoes. She is currently publisher and editor in chief of and the online magazine Susumba and its literary offshoot Susumba’s Book Bag as well as the award-winning independent publishing house, Blue Banyan Books – the fastest growing tradebook publisher in the English-speaking Caribbean. Tanya has written for the page, stage, screen and radio (and one day she will write a story about a mango). Her love of stories grew while she was seated at her grandmother’s feet, where she developed a passion for folktales that shines through in her first collection of stories of children Pumpkin Belly and Other Stories (Blue Banyan Books/ Blue Moon Publishing). Her play Woman Tongue received 8 Actor Boy Award Nominations (2016) and her short film script ‘Endeavour’ earned the award for Best Script in the Kingston Anime Festival (2013).

Years Attended

2021 Adult's Festival Participant
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