Kwame Weekes is a stand-up comedian, social media comedian and a secondary school Social Studies and History teacher. In 2012, Kwameco-founded The Late O’Clock News, a popular satirical news website that re-introduced Trinidad and Tobago to the concept of satirical news. Kwame then went on to found Caricomedy in 2016, a comedy entertainment company produced comedy sketches for the internet and as well as live events including an stand-up comedy open mic at the University of the West Indies, and three stage shows which featured a blend of stand-up comedy, plays, and sketches. After 6yrs of working behind the scenes and on teams, Kwame introduced himself to the public as an independent artist, telling one-minute jokes from behind his characteristic burglar proof bars. His latest project, Kram with Kwame, is an attempt to merge his comedic side and educational side with the creation of educational content to help CSEC Social Studies and History students excel in their examinations.