Mickela Panday holds an LLB Hons in Law and is a qualified barrister in England and Wales. She is also a member of the Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn and is currently a practicing attorney in Trinidad and Tobago and the political leader of the political party Patriotic Front. She first entered the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago in 2007 as the Member of Parliament for the newly created Oropouche West constituency. She is a humanitarian whose focus is on improving the lives of others. She is a member of the charity the Organization For Socio-Economic Development, The Basdeo Panday Foundation, TnTCanDoBetter, and is also a founding member of the Youth Empowered Society.
She has hosted the program “It’s Your Time Now” on WinTV and was a panel Judge and Mentor on the “Elect a Youth Prime Minister” competition on CNC3. She currently hosts the podcast “It’s Time with Mickela Panday”. She was formerly a columnist for the T&T Guardian newspaper and recently became a first-time author, penning the chapter, “Blaze Your Own Trail” as part of the book series Virago
Warrior Women: Voices of 15 Women of Influence.
Mickela Panday
Trinidad & Tobago
Years Attended
2023 NGC Bocas Youth Fest