Vanessa Croft-Thompson

Vanessa Croft-Thompson



Vanessa Croft Thompson holds a Bachelor’s in Education in English Literature and a Master of Arts in English Language from the University of the West Indies. An avid writer, her poetry has been published in Where I See The Sun: an Anthology of Anguillian poetry. She is a long-time winner in the Malliouhana Poetry Competition with numerous first prize placings for Spoken Word from 2007 to 2018. Vanessa has been a featured presenter at the Anguilla Literary Arts Festival in 2013, 2016 and 2017. She most recently spoke as a panelist at the 2018 Anguilla Lit Fest where she presented her experience running a blog. In 2017, she represented the literary arts in Anguilla as a Spoken Word poet at CARIFESTA in Barbados. In 2018, Vanessa currently heads the English Department at the Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School where she teaches English Language, Literature and Communication Studies. She also lectures at the Anguilla Community College and teaches a course in Creative Writing at the University of the West Indies, Open Campus.

Years Attended

2019 Carifesta Participant
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