About Me

I’m about as certain as I can be,

sometimes I wonder what’s going on with me.

Inside I’m sometimes sad but outside I’m all happy.

But what some people don’t know is I have a disability ADHD.

Sometimes I feel no one loves me, or can’t be seen with me.

But my friends love me no less just more and are 

very proud to be around me.

My family loves me with all their heart even though I have a disability.

Sometimes I feel I’m not good enough,

or even perfect to do things,

 or I’m not smart to do my work, or that I will

never make it to be a Teacher and to Own my own company.

Thinking day and night if I’m going to

make it in this world.

But as I open my eyes the next day I

know I can make a change.

As I look up in the beautiful blue sky asking GOD,

if I can make a living in this life.

Every day hoping I can be the best that I can be.

But I want you to know something to think 

of it as different ability, not a disability. Because 

people with disabilities may take longer to learn stuff,

they will always be ahead.

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