Children Will Listen

Children Will Listen (adapted from Barbara Streisand’s Children Will Listen)

Children like trees will listen, hear every word we speak,

Questions arise, answers are needed,

So if anything is to grow, to plant a seed in,

Their minds a clean slate.

Their innocence, a gift from God, why would you take it like Eve?

Robb them of their place in the garden, after the first bite God has no reprieve.

Robb them of what they need,

No one takes nightshade with permission, why would one want or have that seed?

The danger of throwing stones in a house made of glass,

Only so long can that innocence last.

Wishes of the future come about from spells of one’s past,

But its not the child’s fault to ask, what the fruit tastes like from the seed you sowed.

Life is already a burden, so why would you add a load?

What judgement one gives to someone with no avail, lacking purpose or matter,

Nature has its way, spells are cast, roles reverse,

So don’t cry wolf when your glass house shatters.

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