Excerpt from Mr. Mad

“Emiko, I need yuh help. My ball flew and broke the neighbour’s plant pot, I need it back to finish my game,” Alex rambled on and on after bursting into my room while I was watching a horror.

The look of shock and fear was visible on my face but I immediately shrugged it off and replied, “W-well apologise and ask for it back then.”

“But it broke…Mr. Mad’s pot,” At that very moment one of the people in the movie screamed horrifically.

“What! Nah nah nah. Ask somebody else then, not me, you not getting me to go over there unless you pay me for de last time I help you, remember yuh owe meh lunch,” I  jumped at the opportunity.

“Well I’ll owe you lunch and dessert then. Yuh happy?” He huffed back at me.

“Alright then hear is the plan, but first let me tell you who we dealing with here,” I chuckled. 

Mr. Mad was mean and unkind with a heart the size of a pebble and a brain to match it. It was said that he went to jail for eating a hundred children, in one  swallow , of course  I thought it was a tall tale but I still keep my distance just in case. Some say he is a Soucouyant and has the ability of not only sucking blood but also happiness and joy, he wore the most outdated clothing which made it hard NOT to believe he wasn’t one. Some even said he was a hunter that was capable of chasing a puma from the Bahamas to Trinidad and Tobago, I had no doubt about that one, because he was able to chase children, adults and dogs off his lawn. All I could say is that man was way too far from redemption, even the devil was a big fan of him.

”Ok now this is what we need; Holy water, a cross, garlic and a priest,” I whispered.

Alex stared back at me and answered sarcastically …
“You know what, we could just ask one of the parents to get it back.”

“Boy, get out meh room!” I yelled in an annoyed voice.

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