Bios & Bookmarks: Kei Miller

Bios & Bookmarks: Kei Miller

A weekly session featuring readings by, and conversations with, popular authors.

Our third episode of Bios & Bookmarks Season 7: “A Change is Gonna Come” brings us one of the biggest Caribbean lit trailblazers of them all: Kei Miller!
Kei will read from Things I Have Withheld (Grove Atlantic), this year’s winner of the 2022 OCM Non-Fiction Prize for Caribbean Literature, which the judges have called an “elegant, poetic, and arrestingly sobering” collection of essays. He’ll be joined by guest host, Stephen Narain.

This season of our signature online live interview series is named for the anthemic 1964 Sam Cooke classic, and focuses on social justice in our region and beyond; how can we work to build a better world?

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