Bios & Bookmarks: Saida Agostini

Bios & Bookmarks: Saida Agostini

A weekly session featuring readings by, and conversations with, popular authors.

Our theme, ” The Complexity of Caribbean Love” Episode 1 – Saida Agostini | Let the dead in
Host by – Shivanee Ramlochan

Sweet talk. Dancehall lyrics. Picong in parliament. Across our region, the words we use to express love – or rebuke it – pepper the communal pot of our art as much as our ordinary living. There’s a reason Stella stereotypically flew to Jamaica to get her groove back, but we’re not interested in the imported ideas of love in our islands: we want to get to the root of the heart, to the navel string of what connects us, all complex and intricate Caribbean people, to each other. For our second season of 2022, we want to know what makes the Caribbean heart tick, thump, limbo and lavway. Can a duppy love a living soul? Is it true you cyah make love on hungry belly? In the six books before us, writers with roots in Guyana, the Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, and Jamaica spring off the diving board into the messiness, splendour and everydayness of love, exploring intimacy between LGBTQI paramours, navigating matrilineal ties, exhuming old ghosts between parents and children, and looking without flinching into the deep tides that encircle our islands’ hearts.

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