More Than A Literary Festival

Gerelle  Forbes

Gerelle  Forbes

Gerelle  Forbes

Creative arts specialist

Gerelle  Forbes is a creative arts specialist with over two decades of practical experience. Ms. Forbes, a classically trained musician, also has experience in Theatre, Television, Radio and Film. As a freelance Voice Talent she can be heard on several ads, jingles, house announcements , animation, live and television hosting/ narrating and provide background vocals on music singles of different genres.  Since her retirement from state media, she has launched her own entertainment company Sthenic22 where she continues to expand on 

her mentor’s work in preserving Trinidad and Tobago’s culture and intangible heritage through research and storytelling with different mediums.  As part of Sthenic22’s mission to relearn, reteach and retell, Ms. Forbes has been at the helm of productions such as ‘My Home', ‘Pan on the Move’ and ‘In Defense of Calypso’, ‘StoryTime’, ‘2Jammettes’ and several music videos.

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