The EWWC comes to Bocas!

What is the EWWC?

The Edinburgh World Writers Conference, like so many other literary events of note, had its beginnings in conversation: in discussions shared amongst writers, on what literature could signify, and do, and be. It started in Edinburgh in August 2012, and since then, the lit-chat has gone global, hopping from literary festival to festival the world over. The EWWC is a unique, all-inclusive platform, bringing authors, literary luminaries and readers together to talk about what reading means today.

How does the NGC Bocas Lit Fest tie in?

We are thrilled to announce that the 2013 NGC Bocas Lit Fest will form part of the EWWC’s multinational series of talks, as part of an official lineup of fourteen countries,  including literary conferences, festivals and fairs in South Africa, Russia, Turkey, and Australia.

Irvine Welsh, one of the NGC Bocas Lit Fest’s EWWC panelists

At this year’s festival, the EWWC discussions will focus on two themes: “A National Literature” and “Should Literature be Political?” These panels will feature the keynote addresses of Marlon James and Olive Senior respectively. Panel members for these talks include other well-known literary names:

  • Irvine Welsh, British novelist of Trainspotting
  • Earl Lovelace, Trinidadian author and winner of the 2012 OCM Bocas Prize for Caribbean Literature
  • Courttia Newland, British author and playwright
  • Hannah Lowe, British poet

For more information, you can visit the EWWC’s frequently-updated website, check out their Facebook page, and follow their Twitter updates. Stay tuned to the blog for more updates on this barrier-breaking literary talk series, as well as full coverage of the two panel events when they unfold! 

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