We’re recruiting for our 2017 Festival!
We’re looking for volunteers to help at our main festival from 26 – 30 April at the National Library and Old Fire Station in Port of Spain, and to assist at our children’s storytelling caravan venues all around the country on Saturdays in April.
Volunteers help with set-up and ensure that events run on time, usher authors between events and book signings, answer questions about our programme, manage sales and merchandising, and much more.
There are many perks to being a full-time festival volunteer – a Festival badge, quality time with the authors, as well as networking with other volunteers and the Bocas Lit Fest team. We look specifically for volunteers who are willing and available to join our team for the majority of the Festival. No special skills required!
If you’re interested in being part of the NGC Bocas Lit Fest team, please fill in the application form here.
Volunteers are required to attend one briefing/ training session prior to the Festival. We’ll respond to all applications in March 2017.