Stand & Deliver at the NGC Bocas Lit Fest

This is your chance to STAND AND DELIVER at the 2020 NGC Bocas Lit Fest!

It’s one of the most popular events in the annual NGC Bocas Lit Fest: our signature Stand and Deliver open mic showcase, where writers of all kinds and levels of experience can share their work with others in an open forum. It’s where some of our now successful writers started.

And for our 2020 festival — the first-ever entirely virtual NGC Bocas Lit Fest, running from 18 to 20 September –Stand and Deliver is back, with a difference.

You can join the Stand and Deliver lineup by submitting a video recording of yourself reading or performing a piece of original writing–whether prose, poetry, or spoken word.


Stand and Deliver is only open to emerging Trinidadian writers who have not yet published a full collection or book.

There are two Stand and Deliver sessions in our 2020 programme. The first has a specific theme: Future Friday. We invite you to submit readings from stories and poems that fall into the speculative/sci-fi genre, that imagine future worlds and possibilities. The second session has no theme, and pieces on all subjects are welcome.

Each session will be exactly an hour long, with limited reading slots. Register now to be one of ten people who will be invited to submit a video.

Each video must be no longer than five (5) minutes. Recordings that exceed five minutes will be cut off at the allotted time.

Once your registration has been accepted, we’ll email you instructions for recording your video at home, using your computer or mobile phone camera.

The deadline to register is 24 August 2020. Writers selected to submit videos will be contacted thereafter, and videos must be submitted by 31 August.

Please complete the form at by 24 August 2020 to register.

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