More than a book festival: comedy, extempo and more!

The 2020 NGC Bocas Lit Fest will serve up an assortment of cultural expression and artistry over the three days of its 10th festival this weekend. 

From the now standard Extempo debate exploring the “Big Idea” of the day, to dramatised readings of the classics, and to the staple Stand & Deliver open mic, festival attendees online can once again take delight in some of their favourite Festival treats.

If you’re looking more more than literature and books, check out:

  • The popular Stand and Deliver open mic, hosted for the first time in virtual format where emerging writers of all genres submitted their homemade videos.
  • Our signature extempo debate will pick up on the theme of political leadership established in the preceding discussion “A question of leadership”. Extempo champions Black Sage and Brian London will face off, sharing their witty insights and responding to audience cues.
  • The specially commissioned virtual staged reading of the beloved novel Crick Crack Monkey by Merle Hodge, adapted and directed by elisha efua bartels, marking its 50th anniversary.
  • Two original fictional characters “Bokey & Rona”, in a debut presentation of comedy at the festival. Conceptualised and produced by FemcomTT duo Lisa Allen-Agostini and Louris Lee Sing, the pair will also present their “Say it like a Trini” segment, highlighting the pronunciations and meanings of Trinidad Creole words in a celebration of our Nation Language. These episodic features will be broadcast in the segments between programmed festival events.

The transition to a fully virtual festival, as ordained by the universe or Murphy, was inevitable under the circumstances. However, the retention of some of these distinguishing features of the NGC Bocas Lit Fest, and the addition of new and equally relevant ones “remains a fiercely conscious act to locate the annual national literary festival within the Trinidad and Tobago cultural landscape, its place of origin” says festival director Marina Salandy-Brown. She continued, “We have so many talented artists in our small country, it would be unthinkable not to use this platform to showcase work that celebrates words, stories and ideas!”

All festival events are free and accessible to all, with no tickets or registration.

The programme will be streamed live at here, and on Facebook and YouTube.

The National Gas Company is the festival’s title sponsor and First Citizens is its lead sponsor. Main sponsors are One Caribbean Media and the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, and the Arts. The NLCB is a supporting sponsor and The UWI and Massy Foundation are sponsors. The livestream is powered by Flow. 


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