Join us for an intimate conversation with Ira Mathur and Celeste Mohammed on Saturday 16 December!

You’re invited to the next edition of Writer to Writer, a new series of literary conversations hosted by the NGC Bocas Lit Fest, on Saturday 16 December, 2023, with authors Ira Mathur (Love the Dark Days) and Celeste Mohammed (Pleasantview)!

Join us at 3.30 pm at The Writers Centre as the two authors have an informal, intimate conversation about books and writing, influences and inspirations — you can listen in and join the conversation with your own questions.

Grab a cup of coffee from Full Bloom, do your Christmas shopping at Paper Based Bookshop, and get your copies of the authors’ books signed.

Writer to Writer is free and open to all!

#bocas2023 #bocaswritertowriter

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